• Pédagogie,


Maître de conférences

Publié le 16 mars 2016 Mis à jour le 11 octobre 2023

Titres universitaires

- BA
- Doctorat en droit


- Anglais juridique

Thèmes de recherche

- Droit des contrats, européen, comparatif

Principales publications

  • Books

2014 - "Common law commercial contracts, A guide to understanding and drafting" (2014) – (390 pages)
> This book explains the principles of common law contract law and also looks at the area of contract drafting explaining the organization of contracts, the aims of different contract clauses and how best these clauses can be drafted.

2009 - "Changing World Order", India, EU and US – A Trialogue; Ed.Krishnamurthy/Ganapathy-Doré (2009) – Contributed a chapter/article entitled

“The European Union and its issue with democracy: a closer look at the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty” (p. 139 - 166). 
> This chapter considers the development of the European Union from 1952 up to the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty. Thereafter, the article considers what measures may be taken to ensure that the Irish “No” vote does not work to prevent the creation of a Union built on non-democratic foundations.

2001 - "European Commercial law, An Introduction" (2001)
> This book looks in detail at the areas of free movement and competition law over 400 pages.The area of free movement of goods, workers, services (establishment) and competition law, restrictive agreements, abuseof dominance and merger control are all dealt with and explained in clear concise language.

2002 - "English for EU law" – Ellipses, 2002 (239 pages)
> Co-written with Ganapathy-Dore & Perdu. This book seeks to introduce the reader to the reader to the basic principles of EU law and the technical English used in this area. 

2001 - "European Financial Services Law, An Introduction" – Blackhall Publishing, 2001 (181 pages)
> This book discusses the major areas of European Community financial services law and resumes the practical aspects of my thesis. 

2000 - « L’application du principe de la reconnaissance mutuelle en droit financier européen » (Doctorat) – Septentrion, 2000 (Université Presses de Nancy) (431 pages)
> Publication of my thesis. 

1997 - "The Competition Laws of Europe" (incl. Eastern Europe) – Editor (Baker & McKenzie, 1997, 82 pages), see above
> I co-wrote the chapter on European Community competition law.

1996 - "Maternity Leave in Europe" (incl. Eastern Europe) – Editor (Baker & McKenzie, 1996, 53 pages), see above
> I contributed a chapter on European Union parental leave initiatives.

  • Articles

"Familiarity breeds contempt: interaction and convergence between the civil and common law systems operating at the heart of the EU" (25 pages) (Awaiting publication)

2001 - Irish Journal of European Law – March/April 2011 - “Fixing a hole where the rain gets in: the Lisbon Treaty and the Irish Legal Guarantees”, (26 pages)
> This article briefly looks at the status and effect of the legal guarantees given to the Irish government by the European Union as a means of ensuring the Irish adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in 2010.

2010 - Irish Journal of European Law – November 2010 - website publication: “The Lisbon Treaty: Europe’s jagged little pill”, (10 pages)
> This article briefly recalls the reasons behind the decision to introduce a consolidation treaty at European Union level and chronicles its eventful journey from conception to final adoption. 

Changing World Order, India, EU and US – A Trialogue; Ed. Krishnamurthy/Ganapathy-Doré (2009) – Contributed article entitled “The European Union and its issue with democracy: a closer look at the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty” (27 pages). 
> This article considers the development of the European Union from 1952 up to the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty. Thereafter, the article considers what measures may be taken to ensure that the Irish “No” vote does not work to prevent the creation of a Union built on non-democratic foundations.

2008 - The Irish Journal of European Law – January 2008 - “Union city blues and the European Constitution: where to from here?” (35 pages).
> This article considers the content of the proposed EU Constitution and studies the reasons behind the French and Dutch “No” votes and why the European Union is viewed negatively by many European citizens. 

2007 - The Irish Journal of European Law – January 2007 - “Competing Social Models and the Single Market in Services: has Frankenstein done for his maker?” (26 pages).
> This article considers the question of competing social models in the context of pan-national organizations and more particularly the European Union. In particular, the article considers whether competing social models within EU member states and the rejection of the Bolkestein directive have not resulted in a negation of the European Union single market project (25 pages). 

2002 - The Columbia Journal of European Law – Autumn 2002, Vol. 7, n°. 3 – “The Delaware Effect: Keeping the Tiger in its Cage. The European Experience of Mutual Recognition” (16 pages).
> This article considered the role of centralized/decentralized regulatory control and the use of mutual recognition in creatin  a regulatory system allowing for the establishment of the European Union’s Single Market (16 pages).

1996 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) July, 1996, Vol. 9, n°. 2 – “Commission Green Paper on Commercial Communications in the Internal Market”, p. 5- 6.
> This article considered the scope and effect of the Commission Green Paper outlining the nature of the Commission’s proposed new approach in this field. 

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) July, 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 3 – “Establishment of a Prudential Framework in Financial Services”, p 6 - 8.
> This was an article I wrote considering the effect of the Directive on Deposit Guarantee Schemes and the Investor Compensation Schemes Directive on the single market in Financial Services. 

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) October, 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 4 – “The Investment Services Directive, the Capital Adequacy Directive, the Internal Market in Insurance”, p 2 - 7.
> This was a series of articles looking at the nature of the EC single market in financial services and considering the radical effect of three new directives adopted in the
fields of investment services, capital adequacy and insurance.

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) October, 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 4 – “European Case Law Developments in Brief”, p 7 - 8. 
> This was a brief article I wrote considering the recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance in the third quarter of that year.

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) October 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 4 – “Commission Initiative on Foreign Direct Investment”, p 9 - 10. 
> This article considered the scope and effect of a European Commission initiative aimed at establishing a global framework at World Trade Organization level in the area of Foreign Direct Investment.

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) October, 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 4 – “Commission Proposal to expand the scope of the UCITS Directive fails”, p 10 - 11. 
> This article briefly considered the failed attempt of the European Commission to extend the investment portfolio of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in
Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive to riskier type investment strategies.

1995 - European Legal Developments Bulletin – (Baker & McKenzie) October, 1995, Vol. 7, n°. 4 – “Legal Developments in European Telecommunications Law”, p 12 - 14. 
> Article co-written with Monique Nion (partner Baker & McKenzie, Paris). Following the incorporation of France Telecom and part-sale of its shares to the public, this article considered the nature of the proposed Atlas joint venture between France
Telecom and Deutsche Telecom.